Suburbia, a great place for a man with secrets to hide—while investing in some solid real estate. The biggest drawback?
In this case, a neighbor with sexy curves and a bright smile. Good thing she’s not his type. Single moms with annoying exes are on the do-not-date list.
Stay away.
Calvin wants to; it’s just not happening. He can’t help but find himself drawn to the chaos next door. And when danger threatens his suburban lifestyle, this assassin doesn’t hesitate to act.
Killing people is easy. Domestication, on the other hand...
by Eve Langlais
$0.99 at the Time of Posting
Romantic Suspense
Published: July 18, 2017
Length: 324 Pages
About Eve Langlais

Follow @evelanglais
Eve Langlais is New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Canadian author who writes hot romance with a bit of a twist. She is hybrid published through her own indie published titles, some small e-publishers, and a deal with St. Martin’s Press.
Eve has a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor. She is well-known for her shifter stories, but also is partial to demons, aliens, and cyborgs. Despite her adventurous stories, she swears that she is boring as a stay at home mom juggling three kids, a hubby, housework, and a mean game of Candy Crush.+
Eve is the organizer of Romancing the Capital, Ottawa’s premier romance reader and writer event.

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