Well, not normal for everyone. Larissa Miller may have been born after the Great Collision, but as a history teacher who lives in the human-only city, she has never come into contact with any other race or species, nor has she wanted to. Her life is as ordinary as it gets - that is, until one day she walks out of her apartment and is attacked by a mob of Zombies, only to be saved by a Gargoyle.
Gargoyles trust no one outside their Clan, but due to a cryptic prophecy, Terak, Leader of the Gargoyles, has been watching over the human woman for months. While he can find no reason why the woman has been singled out, something about her stirs every protective instinct within him. When the attack confirms that the threats against her exist and are real, he convinces Larissa that though their races have never been allies, the best chance of discovering why she has been brought into his world is by working together.
In the course of their investigation Terak becomes entranced by his little human. But when he discovers why Necromancers want her and the great reward that awaits him if he betrays her, he must choose between the welfare of his Clan and not only Larissa’s life, but the fate of this New Realm as well.
Preview Book
by Danielle Monsch
$0.99 at Time of Posting
Paranormal | Urban Fantasy | Gargoyle Romance
Paranormal | Urban Fantasy | Gargoyle Romance
About Danielle Monsch
Follow @Danielle_Monsch
Born to the pothole ridden streets of Pittsburgh, PA, Danielle started writing in a time long ago, a time when there were not enough vampire stories to read and she had to write her own to fill the void. Yes, such a time of darkness did indeed exist.
Nowadays Danielle writes about more than just vampires, but Fantasy and Paranormal will always be in her blood (Get it? Blood? Come on, I'm killing it here!)
When not writing, Danielle is boring...really, really boring. She fangirls over fictional characters and the (usually British) men who play them. She reads comics and watches cartoons (though she says she reads manga and watches anime - because saying it in another language makes all the difference.) She's a big fan of Rifftrax, XKCD, and ThinkGeek, and in general, she embraces her geekiness and everything that comes with that title.
Oh yeah, and she's a mom and wife...if you want to include the sidestuff as well.

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