The black sheep of the old-money Rosemanns, advertising executive Marcus has made his own way in the world--and done extremely well for himself--but his family is still pressuring him to join their investment firm and settle down with a quiet, unobjectionable girl.
Which is why the sexy Rose Verma is the perfect date for his family's charity ball. A bleeding-heart lefty from the wrong side of the tracks, Rose has never met a stray dog she didn't love or a polka-dotted mini-dress she couldn't rock. Marcus has enough dirt on Rose to "convince" her to play along. And if he lets it slip that they're engaged, all the better.
But all's fair in love and blackmail, and Rose is ready to play a few cards of her own...
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by Jenny Holiday
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About Jenny Holiday

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Jenny Holiday started writing at age nine when her awesome fourth grade teacher gave her a notebook and told her to start writing some stories. That first batch featured mass murderers on the loose, alien invasions, and hauntings. (Looking back, she’s amazed no one sent her to a kid-shrink.) She’s been writing ever since. After a detour to get a PhD in geography, she worked as a professional writer, producing everything from speeches to magazine articles. Later, her tastes having evolved from alien invasions to happily-ever-afters, she tried her hand at romance. Today she is a USA Today bestselling author of all sorts of romance novels: contemporary and historical, straight and gay. She lives in London, Ontario, with her family.
Jenny is represented by Courtney Miller-Callihan of Handspun Literary.

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