Drama teacher Emily Shaw has never met a man quite like Dall MacGregor. And there's good reason for that: he's from 1540. Emily's summer crush is taking her back in time.
When time traveler Evangeline Andrada decided to help a Scottish slave in an English settlement in the New World, she never counted on getting shipped off to Ireland to help another stranger. Now she's falling for a slave and running out of time.
This is a box set of Jane Stain's best-selling Renaissance Fair series that gave us Tavish & Kelsey: Renaissance Fair, Renaissance Festival, and Renaissance Man. Originally serialized as Kilts, Highlander, Scotland, Highlands, Castle, Return, Clans, Gaelic, MacGregors, Warriors, Loch, Scots, and Vange and Peadar 1-6.
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by Jane Stain
FREE at Time of Posting
Published: December 21, 2015
About Jane Stain
Follow @StainJaneJane worked at the Renaissance Pleasure Faires at Paramount Ranch Agoura, Devore, and Black Point Forest from 1987 to 1993. She started as a peasant, then auditioned and made it into the Washerwomen, and then was a sea dog. She also hawked for Belle Star's perfume wagon and The Dye Spot clothing booth. Jane Stain is a pen name.
She is in her fifties and has been influenced by the writing of Diana Gabaldon, Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey, Harry Harrison, Jane Auel, Ray Bradbury, Ursula K LeGuin, Robert Jordan, Stephenie Meyer, Terry Goodkind, and many more great authors.

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