Until one night, one chance encounter, one decision that changed everything.
With no options left, she enlists the help of Quinton Baird & Associates, who promptly inform her that she has to leave it all - the career, the apartment, the life she had worked so hard to build for herself - behind.
If all that wasn’t enough, her entire future - and life in general - was in the hands of a man whose coworkers called ‘The Ghost.’ Because that was what he did; he ghosted people, hid them, gave them new lives, made them impossible to find.
With no other choice, she agrees to his terms, climbs in a car with him, and travels almost clear across the country toward her new life. But the long hours on the road - and even longer hours in cabins and hotel rooms - together start to show her things. Like how unhappy she had actually been, how hollow her life was, how much she had denied herself in the name of superficial success.
And maybe, just maybe, how much she was starting to see how wrong first impressions can be, and how much a person can begin to mean to you when you decided to let them in…
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by Jessica Gadziala
About Jessica Gadziala
Follow @JessicaGadziala
Jessica Gadziala is a full-time writer, parrot enthusiast, and coffee drinker. She enjoys short rides to the book store, sad songs, coffee in Big Gulp-sized cups, and cold weather, and has recently developed an unhealthy obsession with acquiring houseplants. She lives in New Jersey with seven parrots and six dogs.
She is a big believer in snark, strong secondary characters, and bada$$ women.
She is very active on Goodreads, Facebook, as well as her personal groups on those sites. Join in. She’s friendly.

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